
Panzarella restaurant upland
Panzarella restaurant upland

panzarella restaurant upland

Thus the paper outlines the UNESCO requirements and their implications for the Historic Peninsula of Istanbul and focuses on the question - are we bridging the gap between recent conservation outcomes and UNESCO requirements? This paper draws on research fully documented in Kocabas 20. The aim of this paper is to examine the experience of World Heritage site conservation in Istanbul, with particular reference to neighbourhoods of traditional Ottoman-period timber houses. There has been increasing concern about the legislative arrangements, conservation plans and the effectiveness of organisational relationships between decision making bodies responsible for safeguarding these World Heritage Sites. Since inscription, significant threats to the sites have been identified, including significant demolition of Ottoman-period timber houses and the poor quality of repairs. Abstract The key areas of Istanbul’s Historic Peninsula were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1985. (2007) 'New approaches urban conservation: international guidelines and experience – challenges for Istanbul', paper submitted and presented at the RehabiMed,1st Euro-Mediterranean Regional Conference Traditional Mediterranean Architecture: Present and Future, Barcelona, Spain. Keywords: Albanian heritage preservation degradation restoration awareness. Through the case study of the Dollma tekke in Kruja, this paper presents preservation methods for the architectural heritage, first of all the study and the relief of the historical buildings as a form of protection and the base for a project of restoration. In this context, the study is based on the reconsideration of the historical site and the constructed building in Kruja, Albania, by the State and Academia as a collaboration between the Institute of Cultural Monuments and Epoka University, aiming to raise awareness among young people and create new generations of architects capable of operating in the field of restoration and heritage management. Nowadays, the situation hasconsiderably changed for the better, even thoughthe lack of public investment is still present. The lack of financial investments and specialized operator, combined with the degradation of the buildings, created a significant damage in the heritage. Beside the period of transition, from the end of thedictatorship until today, there was aproblematic gap for the historical architectural heritage. Among these, a special role has the city of Kruja for its role in the national history and for the value of its center within the walls. Since 1970 several cities were declared as museum cities and the buildings listed for protection under the preservation easement. Key words: rural tourism, Internet, social network sites, rural areasĪbstract Albania has e pioneering and old tradition in the field of protection and preservation of the historic city centers. Probably, the future best practice will be the building of durable relations with customers in order to achieve their retention and satisfaction by improving SNSs use in conjunction with others Web2.0 tools. The real acting of SMEs in the web seems to be non active and in danger to loose great opportunities coming from enlargement and deepening of markets. The authors analyze collected data in order to enucleate some “proactive behaviour” among local entrepreneurs to design future common and feasible economic choices. The paper investigates the actual use of web tools by private entrepreneurs acting in the rural tourism sector to strengthen marketing and communication programs. Many SMEs are seemingly using some of these tools in a “non active” manner that refers to an “adaptive behaviour” instead of a more favourable “proactive behaviour”. Websites, blogs and SNSs are important tools implemented by “active” web users who are willing to build their own “social network”.

Panzarella restaurant upland